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Privacy Notice for Individuals


What we collect


PWG Connections will be what’s known as the ‘controller’ of the personal data you provide to us. Our company registration number is 6237465 and our registered address is The Hanoverian, Field House Farm, Acklington, NE65 9BY. The person responsible for our data protection is Deborah Keedy who can be contacted at



We collect personal data about you including, for example, first name, last name, home address, e-mail address and contact telephone number. This does not include any special types of information.



Why we need it


PWG Connections only collects personal information that is needed to be able to provide their services to you.


The basis of processing your personal information is consent.


How we will use the information about you?


We will use the information we collect to be able to deliver the service you require from us.


How long we keep it


We will keep your basic personal data for only as long as necessary and in order to comply with legislative or insurance requirements.


We will not use any of your information for marketing purposes and will not disclose any of your information to third parties, except where this is required for the provision of the services to you.

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